Chapter 46 Puppet Billy's "Strange" Adventure

Xu Yi busied himself at the desk, continuing to copy the paintings.

In the time that followed, he experienced disturbances such as:

A ghostly shadow fleeting by in the mirror; sudden strange noises coming from under the bed; the bathroom faucet turning on by itself; my closet moved, I'm not playing this game anymore... and so on.

But Xu Yi remained unmoved, still engrossed in his drawing, not even bothering to turn off the faucet in the bathroom—it wasn't his water bill after all.

A sudden intense chill swept over him from behind, and Xu Yi knew that the evil spirit could no longer hold back and was about to make its direct move.

Although he was prepared, the chilling sensation still made his body stiff.

He turned around and saw a puppet sitting quietly on the sofa.

It was a small boy puppet with bulging cheeks, a triangular nose, and glassy green eyes, which looked exceptionally eerie.