The helicopter hovered above the black curtain, its camera constantly on, transmitting the images back to the command center underground.
People inside the command center walked back and forth, their eyes full of anxiety.
They urgently wanted to know the situation within the black curtain, but the helicopter was simply unable to break through.
Dense throngs of divine pariah clones gathered around the black curtain, like black tidewater, and by rough estimates, there were no fewer than three thousand.
Moreover, a great number of divine pariah clones were still rushing to the area, leaving them unclear about the actual number of these clones inside the city.
Just as they were at a loss, the black curtain burst thunderously, reverting into black blood that scattered down like dark rain, all droplets converging towards Noahweiss, infusing into its body.
People inside the command center quickly focused their attention, a bit stunned.