The two of them pulled the trigger, and the sound of gunfire erupted.
But this not only failed to eliminate the monsters but instead roused their ferocity, and in the blink of an eye, the duo had been torn to shreds.
Xu Yi also ran into trouble, as he was actually blocked by a group of vengeful spirits.
He chose not to go on a killing spree because there were simply too many strange things here, and he didn't have that much time to waste.
He showed his true form, and even in the circle of the strange, the triangular head was a rightful "big shot."
A stern aura spread out, and the obstructing oddities instinctively cleared a path, and Xu Yi strode forward.
Looking at the uncaged oddities, Xu Yi felt his unease grow even more intense.
He suddenly stopped, warily looking towards a corner.
These monsters had just left the Magic-Prohibiting Box and were now wantonly unleashing their excitement, a veritable dance of demons.