14. Gunshots in Atlantic City (Please follow, please bookmark~)


Bang! Bang!

Two gunshots shattered the morning tranquility of Atlantic City. On the boardwalk, all the pedestrians were startled by the gunfire, some ducking behind objects, others throwing themselves to the ground....

Of course, there were also those who carefully looked towards the direction from which the gunshots had come.

Then they saw a man throwing another man, who had been shot, out of a car, before driving off toward the north at high speed.


By late morning, Nucky had finished his appointments for the morning and called for Joe.

Just as Nucky was about to instruct Joe on what to do when meeting with Donnie in the afternoon, the door to his study was pushed open. Not just anyone could enter Nucky's study; those seeking help from him had to be announced by Louis.

In the whole of Atlantic City, only a handful of people could come in without an announcement.

Louis, hearing the door, instinctively looked towards it, his right hand already reaching for his sidearm.

When he saw who it was, his tense body instantly relaxed.

"Nucky, something's happened. George Kurle was just gunned down on the street by his assistant, Bill Cody!"

Nucky's brother, Eli Johnson, the sheriff of Atlantic City, clad in a brown uniform and with a complex expression, cried out.

Even the usually composed Nucky couldn't help but stand up upon hearing this news.


"I've been to the scene and found eyewitnesses. It was Bill Cody who pulled the trigger!"

Eli Johnson quickly relayed the situation at the scene to Nucky.

Nucky stood there stunned. This was indeed a big deal; George Kurle was the Vanguard Officer planning a return to Atlantic City. Now that George Kurle had been killed in the street, it would surely cause unrest throughout Atlantic City.

Most importantly...

Given the current situation, the most likely person to have done this was himself, Nucky, and from an outsider's perspective, the only person who could have prompted Bill Cody to do it was Nucky!

"What about Rivers? Have you guys been to Bill Cody's house? Is there anyone there?"

Asking three questions without a pause was a clear sign of Nucky's agitation.

Eli responded, "Rivers has disappeared. My men have been to several places he frequents and haven't seen him. Someone said he was supposed to be staying at the Bright Lodgings Apartment last night, but he wasn't there.

My guys also went to Bill Cody's house, and nobody was there. His son's school said he didn't show up for class today either!"

Nucky, after all, was the underground emperor of Atlantic City. After a brief moment of panic, he had regained his composure and sat back down in his chair.

"This matter is odd. I suspect someone is deliberately inciting direct conflict between us and the general. We must get to the bottom of this!"

Eli sat opposite Nucky, saying in a grave voice, "I believe the General's side must have received the news by now. What should we do next?"

Nucky pondered for a moment, then said, "Call Baharach immediately. I need to give this matter some serious thought!"

Baharach, the mayor of Atlantic City, whose term would last until next year!

And it was with Nucky's support that he had become mayor of Atlantic City.

Eli took a hard gulp of whiskey, then stood up and said, "I'll arrange for a search for Bill Cody and Ralph Rivers right now. Once we find them, we'll know the truth!"

Nucky nodded in agreement, then added, "Investigate and see what big shots have come to Atlantic City recently."

In Nucky's view, anyone who could stir up a direct confrontation between him and the general must be looking to benefit from the conflict, and such a person would definitely have the power to do so.

Eli indicated he understood and then left Nucky's study.

At that moment, Louis suddenly spoke up, "Boss, could it be Donnie who's behind this? After all, now that George Kurle is dead, his Korla Bar is safe!"

This was the difference between Nucky and Louis's perspectives; they had different theories on the same issue. Although Nucky was greatly interested in Donnie, no matter what, Donnie, in his eyes, was still just a small-time player.

Even though Nucky had indeed plotted for Donnie to kill George Kurle before, his first thought with this event was still those who could speak to him as equals.

Louis, on the other hand, was a small-time player himself, so he wouldn't consider those at the very top.

Now, Louis's reminder gave Nucky another line of thought, but ultimately Nucky dismissed Louis's suggestion, "It's unlikely. If it was just after Donnie's return to Atlantic City, when George Kurle died, Donnie would undoubtedly be the prime suspect. But now, just for a bar, Donnie would kill George Kurle? That reasoning is a bit far-fetched.

Besides, strictly speaking, Donnie isn't from Atlantic City. He's only been here for a month. Why would Bill Cody kill George Kurle for him?

It doesn't fit with the logic of Bill Cody committing this act!"

Having heard this, Louis nodded in agreement. If the boss said so, then it was impossible for Donnie to be behind this!


"Go get Donnie up here!"

Although Nucky had denied that Donnie was behind the incident, he still wanted to see Donnie's reaction with his own eyes, believing in his ability to judge people.

Donnie Block was just a 23-year-old young man, and if he had arranged this affair, Nucky was sure he could detect something in his expression.

Before long, a despondent Donnie arrived in Nucky's study, accompanied by Joe.

"Dear Mr. Nucky, are you wanting to ask how your loan is coming along?"

Donnie sat opposite Nucky and complained, "I had already negotiated a deal with Hori from the Blue Ocean Bar, but then, at the last minute, he raised the price. I really wonder if he got wind of something?"

Nucky sat there, silently observing Donnie, but he didn't notice anything unusual at the time.

"By the way, Mr. Nucky, if possible, I would like you to lend me another thousand US dollars. I will repay it on the same terms and interest as the last loan!"

Donnie continued.

Without agreeing or disagreeing, Nucky asked, "Didn't you say that Hori didn't sell his bar to you? Why do you still want to borrow more money?"

Donnie spread his hands in a helpless gesture, "Clearly, George Kurle must have received some hints from his father. He came to me three days ago wanting to buy back his bar!"

Nucky scrutinized Donnie. If what Donnie said was true, then he was unaware of George Kurle's demise!

But was it really so?

"When you first talked to me, didn't you look down on George Kurle?"

Donnie explained, "I still look down on him now, but that doesn't mean I don't have respect for the Vanguard Officer. As long as the Vanguard Officer is in Atlantic City, I must show George Kurle, that idiot, enough respect!"

Nucky calmly said, "Don't you know something?"

"What is it?" Donnie made a puzzled expression, then asked with surprise, "Could it be that the Vanguard Officer has left Atlantic City?"

Nucky shook his head, "This morning, George Kurle was shot and killed by his associate, Ralph Rivers!"

Here, Nucky deliberately named Bill Cody as Ralph Rivers to see Donnie's true reaction.

Donnie's eyes widened instantly, showing disbelief, "George Kurle is dead? And who is Ralph Rivers?"

Nucky didn't speak; he just kept a tight watch on Donnie, looking for any hint of doubt in his expression. Nucky swore that if there was anything suspicious about Donnie's expression, he would immediately send Donnie to the Vanguard Officer.

But Donnie's performance was too perfect, completely fitting the reaction of someone hearing the news for the first time.

In the end, Nucky did not detect anything amiss and laughed, "Who Ralph Rivers is no longer matters. What's important is that George Kurle is dead, and you have become the biggest beneficiary of this incident!"

Donnie immediately shook his head, "Mr. Nucky, you must not say so. It's just a bar, not worth taking such a risk!"

After a brief silence, Nucky waved his hand and said, "Alright, you can go. Remember, you only have two months until the deadline we agreed upon!"

Donnie didn't say anything in response to Nucky's sudden change in demeanor, knowing that he had passed the test today!

Killing George Kurle, the hardest part wasn't concealing it from the Vanguard Officer, but ensuring Nucky remained unsuspecting.

After all, it seemed Nucky was the most likely person to have done it!

After leaving Nucky's study, Donnie cashed in his chips and promptly left the Ritz Hotel to return to the Korla Bar.

By the time Donnie got back, Robert was already there waiting for him!

"I have sent the man away!" Robert said to Donnie, his expression complex. In Robert's opinion, only a dead man could truly keep a secret, but in the end, Donnie had decided to spare Bill Cody's life. Though Robert had some reservations about Donnie's decision, he ultimately agreed with it.

"This is for you from Bill Cody!"

With that, Robert took out $5,000 in cash from within his coat and placed it on the bar.

"Bill Cody must be worried that we would eliminate him after the fact, so as soon as he saw me, he immediately offered these $5,000, hoping to spare his family!"

Donnie was surprised by this unexpected windfall, "Where did he get so much money from?"

Robert explained, "It came from George Kurle..."

Then Robert told Donnie about how George Kurle had been planning to take Bill Cody for a lavish time with $10,000.

Donnie smiled upon hearing this, "I was just wondering where to get some money, I never expected it to come to me like this!"

Robert asked, "Now that George Kurle is dead, won't they suspect us?"

Donnie shook his head, "They shouldn't by now. But the upcoming turmoil in Atlantic City will definitely be chaotic, so we'd better be careful!"

The death of George Kurle would surely trigger a fierce conflict between the Vanguard Officer and Nucky!