20. Cooperation (Please follow, please favorite~)

Nucky's sudden arrival subtly shifted the atmosphere within the private room.

Especially for David Jabbar, who had not expected Donnie to be acquainted with Nucky, wore an embarrassed look on his face and sneakily glanced at Eli Johnson.

Eli Johnson, unaware that Nucky had always wanted to bring Donnie under his wing, stood up and asked, "You know Donnie?"

Nucky looked at Eli Johnson with some reproach and said, "At a time like this, shouldn't you be properly investigating the current events in Atlantic City instead of running over here?"

Facing Nucky's rebuke, a flicker of anger passed through the depths of Eli Johnson's eyes, but it was fleeting and went unnoticed by everyone present.

Immediately afterward, Eli Johnson spoke with a relaxed tone, "I got it, I'll go investigate this matter right now!"

After speaking, Eli Johnson picked up his coat, didn't greet anyone else in the room, and left directly.

Seeing Eli Johnson leave the private room, David Jabbar knew that his plans for the day were not going to materialize.

"Dear Nucky, there are some matters at my bar, so I'll take my leave now!"

Nucky nodded with a smile and said, "David, don't worry. As one of the best taverns in Atlantic City, The Fuli Tavern will never run short of whiskey and rum!"

This was a disguised promise.

David Jabbar immediately showed a smile, "Thank you, Nucky!"

Then David Jabbar also left the private room. Just as Olman was preparing to find an excuse to leave, Nucky had already spoken in advance.

"Olman, I know you; these past two years you've done very well and have been a great help to us!"

Olman's corpulent body immediately began to tremble in excitement, his chubby face creased into a smile as sweet as if he had swallowed a large spoonful of honey.

"It's what I should do!"

Nucky continued to smile and said, "I know tonight's gathering was organized by you. You don't mind if I sit here for a while, do you?"

"Of course!" Olman hurriedly said, "It would be my honor!"

Once Nucky was seated, he then turned to Donnie with a smile and said, "Donnie, your actions have shocked me, but at the same time, I greatly admire you!"

Donnie knew that by now, Nucky had sorted out his previous plans, so he wasn't too worried, even though he had deceived Nucky.

Donnie had once studied Nucky of Atlantic City, a man of deep scheming, but at the same time, a man very clear about his own needs.

What Nucky demanded was that no one could challenge his status in Atlantic City or harm his wealth.

As long as these two points were not involved, Nucky was quite magnanimous toward people... after all, he had to maintain his gentlemanly persona.

Donnie also understood that Nucky wanted to bring him into his fold, which explained all the previous arrangements. The more successful his performance, the more admiration Nucky would have for him.

In plain terms, the current Donnie posed no threat to Nucky. If Donnie's performance had fallen to a colonel, the reception would probably not have been Nucky's smile.

"Actually, I've been wanting to find an opportunity to apologize to you, Nucky."

Listening to the dialogue between Donnie and Nucky, Olman was lost in a fog. He couldn't understand when Donnie had gotten on such good terms with Nucky, and it seemed their relationship was quite amicable.

"Initially, you told me you were going to use my loan to acquire taverns in Atlantic City, but what you were actually doing was buying up whiskey and rum. I'm curious, did you already know then that my warehouse would be blown up?"

When Nucky said this, although he still wore a smile on his face, Olman clearly felt the chill in Nucky's tone.

"I only wanted to make some money. Whether it was acquiring taverns or buying whiskey and rum, it was all based on my appraisal of the current situation in Atlantic City. As for blowing up your warehouse, Nucky, that's not something a person like me can do, nor is it something I would do!"

Donnie responded calmly, not at all overwhelmed by Nucky's imposing manner.

Nucky slightly nodded his polished head, reflecting the room's light.

"So you're saying, your acquisition of the Blue Sea Tavern and now of Scott's Tavern, was actually all for my benefit?"

Donnie laughed and said, "So it seems, Mr. Nucky is acknowledging that the price inflation back then was also at your behest?"

Nucky did not refute the question but continued, "I've heard that you've not only bought a large amount of whiskey and rum but also purchased some brewing equipment and materials?"

Olman, who had been unable to interject till now, stared at Donnie in shock. He hadn't expected Donnie to have prepared so much.

From their conversation, it was clear that Donnie had previously borrowed money from Nucky, not only to buy whiskey and rum but also to acquire brewing equipment.

But at the time, few people in Atlantic City knew the city's stance on Prohibition, right?

"It's a big gamble!"

Olman couldn't help but think.

"Indeed, nothing in Atlantic City could ever escape Nucky's notice!" Donnie said, nodding his head in candid agreement.

Actually, Nucky had just sorted out all the details today. Given the current situation, Nucky hadn't had time to pay attention to Donnie.

All his thoughts were on how to quickly replenish the missing liquor, recover his losses, and also prepare a response to the Commodore's actions against him.

It was Louis who informed Nucky about Donnie's intention to sell a portion of his whiskey and rum to the taverns in Atlantic City.

After hearing the full story, Nucky quickly understood Donnie's true plan.

"Indeed, a clever man!" Nucky couldn't help but praise after hearing what Louis had described, "Donnie had actually been misleading us all along. He told us he was going to use the 1000 US dollars borrowed from us to buy a tavern, and we both never doubted it for a second. I even asked you to go and greet the tavern's owner!"

After finishing his words, Nucky couldn't help but laugh.

On the other hand, Louis said with some dissatisfaction, "Boss, he's clearly deceiving us. Just give the word, and I'll have my men take care of him now!"

Nucky, sitting there, waved his hand and laughed, "No need, I like smart people, especially those with a sense of measure. I'm short of such people in my ranks!"

"But wouldn't this make us the laughing stock?" Louis voiced his opinion.

Nucky looked up at Louis and countered, "Aside from the two of us, who knows about this? I believe Donnie definitely won't tell, and haven't you noticed? Donnie's decision has also earned us some loyalty."

A question mark appeared over Louis' head.

Nucky had no choice but to continue explaining, "We had the Blue Ocean Tavern raise their selling price, but the owner of the Blue Ocean Tavern doesn't know why we had them do that. Now that Atlantic City's stance on prohibition has been released, the owner of the Blue Ocean Tavern will definitely think we did this for their benefit."

Louis considered himself somewhat clever, but at that moment, he really couldn't understand what Nucky meant.

Although he was unclear on this point, Louis did understand something else—that his boss was not angry at Donnie's trickery, but on the contrary, was growing more appreciative of him!

The scene switches back to a private room at the Ritz Hotel.

Faced with Donnie's compliments, Nucky simply smiled lightly and said, "Pity I found out a bit late!"

At this point, Nucky paused and then said, "Donnie, how about we discuss a cooperation deal?"

What Louis didn't understand, Donnie had now figured out. As the ruler of Atlantic City, Nucky was not short of men. The reason he showed such appreciation towards Donnie at this moment was largely because of the capabilities Donnie had demonstrated recently, proving to Nucky that he was indeed a smart man.

More importantly, Nucky was sure he could control him.

The latter reason was more significant.

"Of course, I think no one in Atlantic City could refuse a partnership with you, Nucky!" Donnie calmly stated.

Nucky's smile became even brighter as he said, "Your father distills whiskey and rum in Elwood Village, and even though prohibition has been enforced, there will still be a shortage in Atlantic City to a certain extent. So now, I need the rum and whiskey your father produces!"

Regarding Nucky's proposal, Donnie naturally had no objections. If he could cooperate with Nucky, then he would not lack a market for his liquor.

Donnie's interests had never been limited to just the sales in Atlantic City; he was eyeing sales throughout the entire United States.

"I assume you have your terms, Mr. Nucky?"

While Donnie welcomed the partnership with Nucky, he also understood that Nucky was not the God of the church, who would cooperate with him without any conditions.

"Haha!" Nucky laughed again, "I just love dealing with smart people. Actually, I've already entrusted LeBron James with the task of handling Atlantic City's bootlegging."

"So my liquor should go to LeBron first?"

Donnie understood and said astutely, "Nucky's authority in Atlantic City is not to be challenged. Since Nucky had already decided to give the bootlegging business in Atlantic City to LeBron James, Nucky doesn't need another bootlegger in Atlantic City to challenge his authority."

But Nucky did need someone to keep LeBron in check, to make him realize he wasn't the only bootlegger around. Thus, Donnie's emergence could be said to have solved a significant problem for Nucky.

Nucky nodded, not objecting to Donnie's realization, and then they discussed the matter of pricing.

In terms of price, Nucky haggled, settling on a price higher than the current one, but lower than the price Donnie had previously set.

Faced with this, Donnie simply thought it over briefly and agreed to Nucky's terms, which was inevitable since he didn't have the same level of power; at times, one had to stay low-key.

"Very good, from now on we're partners!" Nucky said, seeing that all matters had been settled, and then he stood up to take his leave.

Donnie and Olman escorted him to the door. After Nucky left, Olman looked at Donnie with a mix of embarrassment, admiration, and a great deal of confusion in his eyes.

"Donnie, we...."