28. Eliminating Influence (Please follow, please favorite~)

Donnie never believed that his attendance at the commodore's private dinner could be kept a secret from Nucky.

The commodore's invitation was so public, and Nucky, who was always watching the commodore's affairs, would definitely know about it.

So when Donnie met Nucky, he got straight to the point and told him about it.

"America is a country of extreme freedom, freedom of speech, and naturally, freedom of association," Nucky said with a relaxed expression after hearing Donnie's narrative, "You didn't need to tell me this, Donnie."

However, Nucky then added, "Of course, I am still very happy that you told me so quickly, after all, we are true friends!"

Donnie sat across from Nucky, facing the shrewd man, and with a smile, he said, "I believe even if I hadn't mentioned it, Mr. Nucky, you would have known anyway!"

Nucky just chuckled, not saying much, simply looking at Donnie and asking, "I presume you didn't come here just to tell me this, did you?"

Donnie nodded and said, "That's right, I want to change the way I cooperate with James!"

Prohibition had just begun, and although Atlantic City had already declared that the Prohibition law could go to the Atlantic, specifying LeBron James as the only bootlegger in Atlantic City, Nucky's previous partnership with Donnie was to have Donnie sell his stock to LeBron James.

But the liquor market in Atlantic City was still in a chaotic phase.

Thus, Donnie sold only a part of his bootleg liquor to James at that time and then sold the rest on his own. However, in these frantic times, there always comes a period of calm.

If by that time, Donnie could not secure a promise from the underground emperor of Atlantic City, then he would need to continue cooperating with LeBron James under the rules set by Nucky previously, with the result being that the two of them would continue to exploit his interests!

"Are you seeking my help with this?"

Nucky did not directly answer Donnie's question, but instead inquired back.

This time Donnie did not display any verbal finesse, simply nodding eagerly, "Of course, but I would prefer to see this talk as a transaction between us!"

"A transaction?" Nucky laughed heartily, a bit frivolously, "I don't think you can offer me any benefits in this matter, just like what you said about George before!"

Donnie waved his hand and explained, "There are benefits. First of all, the quality of the bootleg liquor from my distillery is definitely higher than that from LeBron James's. I don't think Mr. Nucky would like to hear people outside say that Atlantic City's rum can kill people, right? Secondly, although my quality is better than LeBron's, I can assure you that we will keep our prices consistent with his. Lastly, I've heard an old saying from the East, 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket.' If there is only LeBron James providing bootleg liquor in Atlantic City, he might become arrogant due to favoritism. If one day he really sides with the commodore, I believe you, Mr. Nucky, would be very unhappy!"

Nucky didn't respond immediately to Donnie's suggestion but was gently tapping on the table, clearly contemplating Donnie's proposal.

However, thinking about LeBron James's influence in the North District and his confidence in his own power in Atlantic City, Nucky eventually refused Donnie's offer of partnership.

"Thank you very much, Donnie, for everything you've told me, but I'm a man of integrity. Since I've already said that LeBron James is the only one who can make bootleg liquor in Atlantic City, that decision cannot be changed. So, I can't agree to your offer of cooperation," Nucky replied.

Donnie showed a look of disappointment and said, "Mr. Nucky, one day you will regret the decision you have made today!"

"Ha-ha!" Nucky laughed again, "Young man, do not doubt my influence in Atlantic City!"

Donnie nodded, stood up, and took his leave from Nucky.

After Donnie left, Louis, who was standing next to Nucky, showed a puzzled expression. If Nucky appreciated Donnie, why did he reject him this time? Moreover, he thought what Donnie said made a lot of sense.

Although Louis was curious, he still didn't pose any questions to Nucky.

Once Donnie stepped out of the Ritz Hotel, the look of regret on his face disappeared in an instant. From the moment he walked into the Ritz Hotel, Donnie knew that Nucky would definitely not agree to his cooperation.

The most important reason was LeBron James's influence in the North District. Donnie believed that Nucky must have also considered what he said, but Nucky did not want to give up LeBron's influence there, and creating another LeBron James in the North District would be a very tedious task.

What's more, the words he said to LeBron the night before, he believed, must already have reached Nucky today through LeBron James.

And LeBron must have made some kind of assurance to Nucky.

Under these circumstances, Nucky would not give up LeBron James.

"It seems that at least this time, I will be able to make Nucky trust me for a while!"

Donnie glanced back at the Ritz Hotel's dining hall. He didn't know if Nucky was watching him from a ninth-floor window, but Donnie understood that he had achieved the purpose of his visit this time.

His visit to see Nucky was, in fact, largely motivated by a desire to mitigate the aftermath of his attendance at the Brigadier's dinner the night before.

As for how his private stock of liquor could still enter Atlantic City after the recent period of turmoil, Donnie had actually had a plan in place for some time.

So after leaving the Ritz Hotel, Donnie didn't return to Block Tavern. Instead, he went to a clothing store on the boardwalk and bought two winter outfits, then purchased some coal for delivery to Margaret's home in the West District.

"No, no, I can't accept these!"

Margaret looked at the winter supplies Donnie had brought, and even though she desperately needed them, she still wanted to refuse him.

There was something Margaret had not told anyone: after Donnie left her home that day and after she had seen Elena Dorn return, she knelt down alone and began to earnestly apologize to God.

Because since then, she had found Donnie's image appearing in her mind from time to time.

This made Margaret feel uneasy.

"No, these items are what you deserve!" Donnie said earnestly, "Margaret, you know that I'm not just the owner of a tavern, but also the president of the Atlantic City Mutual Aid and Friendship Society, and you're not just an organizer for the society, but also my friend. If we can't even help our own, then what reason does the society have to exist in Atlantic City?"

Donnie's words left Margaret unable to refuse, and whether she truly wanted to refuse in her heart was another matter.

Sitting in Margaret's home, Donnie drank the coffee she had poured for him and began to speak slowly.

"Actually, there's another reason I came to see you; I was hoping to get your help with something!"

Margaret said somewhat anxious, "I don't know what I could do to help you!"

"Of course, there's something!" Donnie's smile was gentle, "Did you forget the invitation you extended to me earlier? Preparing a speech is actually a difficult thing for me, as I'm not good at expressing myself in words. So this time, I hope to get your help, Margaret, to discuss and prepare the speech together!"

"Oh, it's about that!" Margaret said, her tone carrying a hint of regret, then she smiled, "Of course, that's no problem at all. I know you don't like to be in the liquor business, and just sharing the true feelings in your heart will be enough!"

Donnie nodded, "But we still need a systematic plan."

Margaret uttered a sound of agreement and then suggested Donnie deliver a draft of his speech so she could hear it.

Thus, the two began to discuss the details of Donnie's upcoming speech at the WCTU in Margaret's home.

The discussion brought them closer together, the gap that had been over a meter narrowing, until Donnie could even smell her faint body scent.

It was only when they had finished their discussion that Margaret realized how close she had been to Donnie.

Then, with a slightly flushed face, she subtly stood up and moved away from Donnie, not letting the scent of his pheromones disrupt her inner peace anymore.

Donnie pretended to be unaware and stood up, taking out 200 US dollars from his pocket and placing it on the table.

Seeing Donnie's action, Margaret quickly refused, "Donnie, I'm helping you because we're friends. If you do this, I'll feel like I'm not your friend!"

But Donnie, determined, directly grabbed Margaret's hand. Such a forceful gesture sent her heart racing as he placed the money in her hand.

"It's precisely because we are friends that you should accept this money. Do you want me to watch my friend go hungry? If that's the case, even God wouldn't forgive me!"

After saying this, Donnie released Margaret's hand and continued, "Unless you want God to punish me!"

"Of course not!"

Margaret immediately objected.

"If not, then keep it. Isn't that what friends are for, to help each other out?"

After that, Donnie turned and left Margaret's house.

This time, Margaret didn't go to see Donnie off. Instead, she stood in her living room, feeling a long-lost warmth, her emotions becoming more and more tumultuous!

What Margaret didn't expect was that when her husband came home and saw the changes in the house, he flew into a rage.