43. Old Carl's Arrival (Please follow, please favorite~)

"Haha, I knew no one could mess with the Block Family, even if they're from Atlantic City!"

The hearty and deep laughter made the identity of the speaker clear—it was none other than Donnie Block's father, old Carl!

Seeing old Carl jumping off the truck took Donnie by surprise.

He didn't even have time to tell Chris and the others to move the liquor from the truck to the bar before asking old Carl.

"Why did you come here?"

John said proudly at his side, "The moment dad heard someone dared to rob the Block Family's liquor, he immediately decided to come over and check out the situation in Atlantic City!"

"What, you're not happy to see your old man here?"

As Donnie's business got better and better, the concerns of the Block Family had disappeared into thin air, and old Carl had become even more exuberant than before.

"How could I not be? I'm extremely happy!" Donnie glared hard at John before inviting old Carl into the bar.

"This place is much livelier than back home!"