47. Storm Rising (Please follow, please favorite~)

Nucky, dressed in a purple suit with a red carnation pinned to his lapel, walked into the hospital followed by his loyal companion, Louis.

"How's the situation? Is everyone alright?"

Nucky, seeing Embiid's men wrapped in bandages, anxiously asked.

"Embiid is currently undergoing surgery inside, the doctors say it's a through-and-through wound, it shouldn't be life-threatening!"

"What about the liquor?"

Nucky was more concerned about the load of whiskey and rum.

"It's already been transported to my warehouse, it's very safe now!" Although LeBron James received the call later, he arrived at the hospital before Nucky.

Relieved that the liquor was safe, Nucky truly relaxed. As Donnie had told him before, even though Nucky could get the support of alcohol from Chicago, the cost of transportation from there was even higher than smuggling it from the United Kingdom.

"Who was so bold as to rob our goods?"