57, Someone is envious (looking for followers, seeking the first subscription~)

No wonder John had such considerations.

With the renovation of this villa and the distribution of chips included, Donnie had already spent 3000 US dollars to date, an absolute fortune in those days!

"The main purpose here isn't to make money, but to cut off The Fuli Tavern's casino business. As long as we can disrupt their operation, it will be much easier to acquire The Fuli Tavern later!"

Donnie confidently declared.

"However, such services can be quickly copied by The Fuli Tavern!"

Learning services can be difficult or easy, especially for the bunny girls in the casino; it's actually quite simple to pick up.

But Donnie clearly wasn't too worried, "Do you think these bunny girls are our trump card?"

"Yeah, it's just like Scott's bars. Wherever the customers go, they're basically after those women. But now, with other taverns in Atlantic City learning, Scott's business isn't as booming as it was at the beginning,"

John analyzed.