70. Response (Please follow, please favorite~)

"Haha, then from now on, the safety and firefighting of The Fuli Tavern will be relying heavily on your care, Eli!"

Onlookers outside The Fuli Tavern, expecting a spectacle, instead saw Donnie Block and Eli Johnson walking out shoulder to shoulder, chatting and laughing.

When everyone saw this scene, they all showed astonished expressions.

One would have expected their meeting to be like thunder striking the earth, with guns drawn and blazing, or at the very least a bout of shrill verbal abuse. So, why was the atmosphere so harmonious?

"Rest assured, with you Donnie running The Fuli Tavern, I believe it will be much better, many times over, than that idiot David. Our public security will definitely take good care of this place!"

Eli Johnson also said with a big laugh.

"Then it's settled. Eli, you have to bring your brothers over more often!"

"Certainly will!"