78. Thieves Look Down on Swindlers (First Update, Please Subscribe~)

Sean Be, in his late twenties, descended from ancestors who emigrated from Germany to Philadelphia in the United States when it was still the nation's capital.

Despite three generations of development, Sean's family was essentially still an ordinary working-class household in Philadelphia.

By the time it came to Sean's father's generation, the family had moved to Atlantic City, where Sean's father opened a pharmacy. By Sean's generation, he had become a policeman in Atlantic City.

However, in his early years, Sean was straightforward and did not mingle with the upper classes; even his girlfriend broke up with him over his income issues.

It was for such reasons that Sean decided to change himself.

It was also during this time that Robert got in touch with Sean Be, and the two quickly became very good friends.

Of course, during this period, Sean also met Donnie and was impressed by how quickly Donnie had advanced to his current status in Atlantic City in such a short time.