97. Homemade liquor, media double-barreled approach (7K long chapter, please subscribe~)_4

Donnie looked at Chris and said,

"Didn't you say that we would only deal with high-end alcohol before?" John began to doubt Donnie's decision again.

Donnie smiled casually, "The profits from high-end alcohol are the highest, but the sales volume can't compare to that of the mid- and lower-grade alcohol. Although every family has their sources for mid- and low-grade bootleg alcohol, we have our own advantages, which is that our bootleg alcohol is of better quality than theirs, yet the price is the same."

"If we can seize this opportunity, establish a cooperation with those families, and become their alcohol supplier, then our market will naturally expand!"

Robert shook his head, "That's impossible, if they have their own bootleg distilleries, even if our quality is better than theirs, due to alliance agreements, our bootleg alcohol cannot enter their markets!"

Donnie chuckled, "Then why is our bootleg alcohol still being sold in Philadelphia and New York?"