107、Walker: How could Donnie possibly be my dad?_4

Harding was a romantic man, and romantic men always make one mistake: they care deeply about their women.

So when Harding felt that he had misunderstood South Brenton, he immediately softened his tone, "Dear, you've misunderstood me. I, of course, want to go to Atlantic City, but I must also take into account the advice of my campaign team. You know that this moment is crucial for me; I absolutely cannot afford any problems!"

South Brenton didn't care for Harding's explanation and emphasized again, "So, does that mean you are not coming?"

Facing South Brenton's question, Harding seemed somewhat flustered, "About this matter, dear, I cannot hide it from you. If Donnie really cannot handle the incident of someone dying at Block Tavern, then it is indeed not suitable for me to appear in Atlantic City anymore!"

South Brenton asked, "But you seemed so happy talking with Donnie initially. Why abandon him at this time?"