216, Collision of Business Models

Clank, clank, on the train, Helen looked over the materials sent by Jesse Livermore.

"Is there really no issue with this matter? Thomas Watson's behavior just doesn't make sense!"

Helen felt somewhat puzzled about Donnie's acquisition of CTR shares.

In the current business environment in the United States, there are two patterns for inheriting a company. The first one is represented by families like the Rockefellers and the Mellons. Their fathers or grandfathers founded vast business empires, and they were hands-on in the management; when it came to choosing successors, they also cultivated their own descendants.

Just as old Rockefeller was always training young Rockefeller, and Andrew Mellon was fostering William Mellon, they all hoped to pass their companies on to their offspring.

This tradition has been around from ancient times to the present.

But apart from this mode, there is another: the managerial succession mode!