234. Factional Struggle_2

Donnie's disappointment could no longer be concealed. He had considered that Mashang Evans might not be capable enough, but since he couldn't find a suitable replacement and ABC's development was indeed quite good, this led Donnie to keep Evans in the position.

But now, Evans's performance made it clear to Donnie that he could no longer drag this out, and he had to find a new helmsman for ABC as soon as possible.

"Alright, let's leave this matter be for now, and I hope we won't have such problems in the future!"

Donnie said calmly.

Mashang Evans breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Donnie wasn't going to pursue the matter any further.

After Evans left, Donnie called for Robert.

"It appears the time to establish our own talent reserve has become an urgent matter!"

In dealing with ABC's situation, Donnie saw not just the issue with Evans's capabilities; that was just an external factor. The real problem was the lack of talent reserve on his own part.