Chapter 119 Silhouette Under the Sunset

"Right, this is the spot, just position the instrument a little more precisely, Deloris."

Under the sunshine, two girls were fiddling with some instruments on a deserted mountaintop, and then recording data.

Minutes later, the instruments were set up, and now they just needed to sit for more than ten minutes to wait for the data collection to be completed.

The two sat on a rock on the hillside, leaning on each other, chatting, occasionally touching on their respective hobbies and recent experiences.

After the data gathering was completed, they carried their equipment back to the small airplane, and then they were able to take off again, heading to the next location.

The five days weren't particularly long, and most of the places they visited were uninhabited, except for one instance where they encountered trouble— a sampling point had been overtaken by a gang of wanderers. After a brief hesitation, the two decided to clear out the den.