After dividing it into four portions, the four of them slowly began to enjoy the meal. Ailu Kelu ate with particular gusto, while Tilan was composed and methodical. Geyin ate in silence, and Blanchi was somewhat anxious, being very careful and polite.
Despite the fairly large number of people in the dining hall, the tables were spaced far apart, creating a sparse and quiet atmosphere. Furthermore, screens rose around diners to block out light and sound during meals, allowing for relaxation.
As the meal progressed, the four gradually became more familiar with each other, and Blanchi was no longer as tense as she had been at the beginning.
"Ailu Kelu senior, is there anything different about what a Songstress learns at school compared to others?" Blanchi asked.
"Are you worried about not doing well?" The Songstress with purple cat ears guessed Blanchi's concern right away.
"Don't worry about that, Songstresses adopt a completely different method of advanced learning in school."