Chapter 1: The Princess Who Became a Young Dragon Was Taken Away by the Evil Dragon


"Your Highness, the knights loyal to the Second Princess now surround the palace. There is little time left for you to consider. Please make your decision quickly."

Defeated. In this battle for the throne, Princess Lucia ultimately lost to Princess Asina.

The outcome was expected. In terms of means, ability, scheming, and power games, Princess Lucia was no match for the Second Princess Asina.

She was only qualified to compete for the throne with the Second Princess because her Emperor father doted on her greatly.

"Eva, is there really... really no other choice? To leave the Imperial Capital... is transforming into a legendary Giant Dragon by your curse the only option left?"

Eva, the face hidden under a voluminous black robe, the Dark Wizard, sighed and shook her head at Princess Lucia standing before her.

"Princess, without a Teleportation Array or a Teleportation Scroll, and ensuring that Your Highness has some self-defense capability after escaping, accepting my curse to become a Dragon... is currently the best choice."

Princess Lucia, with her violet, slightly curled long hair, bit her lips lightly as a struggle of hesitation showed in her amethyst eyes.

Couldn't the curse just give her wings?

Transforming her into a Dragon...

After a moment of hesitation and struggle, Princess Lucia nodded in agreement. Eva was right, she needed to have the power to protect herself after fleeing the Imperial Capital.

The terrifying appearance of the Giant Dragon and its strong physique came with an intimidating presence that could save her from a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Princess Lucia, I curse you..."

Eva, the Dark Wizard, did not hesitate. Seeing that the Princess she followed agreed, she raised the Cursed Wand and aimed it at Princess Lucia, chanting the Curse.


With a thunderous [Boom], the palace where the Third Princess of the Phalan Empire, Princess Lucia, resided, collapsed into ruins.

An Amethyst Dragon appeared out of nowhere above the ruined palace. The Imperial knights blockading Princess Lucia instinctively pointed their weapons at the suddenly appeared Amethyst Dragon.

"Princess, now's the chance, fly."

Hearing Eva's voice, Lucia instinctively flapped her dragon wings and clumsily started to ascend towards the sky.

"Eva, transform into a Dragon and escape from the Imperial Capital with me."

Eva smiled and shook her head at the Amethyst Dragon that was Princess Lucia, turning to look at the Second Princess, encircled by knights not far away.

"Princess Asina, I surrender."


Princess Lucia, transformed into the Amethyst Dragon, nearly plummeted from the sky when she heard Eva's words.

Her most loyal follower... had surrendered...

"That Amethyst Dragon in the sky... is my adorable failure of a younger sister?"

"Yes, Princess Lucia."

"How did she become a Dragon?"

"By my curse."

".....After ensuring a safe escape for my adorable failure of a sister, you surrender to me... very well... not bad... too bad she won't get away.

The ferocious and warlike Griffins certainly don't fear a Young Dragon, especially not one transformed from a human."

After she finished speaking, a squad of knights mounted on Griffins flew towards the Amethyst Dragon that was Princess Lucia.

"Eva, you may serve Princess Asina."

"Damn you, Asina, I will return, I will definitely come back!"

After dropping two harsh lines, just as Lucia was prepared to leave the skies above the Imperial Capital, an abrupt shadow engulfed her.

Before she could react, dizziness overtook her.

It took her a while to realize what had happened; a fearsome and colossal creature had grabbed her Dragon Tail and hoisted her into mid-air.

It was a... Black Dragon!


Why did a Black Dragon suddenly appear in the sky above the Imperial Capital?!!!


Had Lance not seen it with his own eyes, he would have never believed such a bold Young Dragon existed, daring to abduct a Princess in broad daylight above the Human Empire's Imperial Capital.

Even more audacious was how this Amethyst Young Dragon, facing the siege of the Human Empire's Griffin knights, not only did not flee but made wild boasts.

If he hadn't been passing by on his way home, this Amethyst Young Dragon probably would have met its end here.

Seeing as they both belonged to the Dragon race, he decided to save this ignorant Amethyst Young Dragon.

He was a Black Dragon, a mature Black Dragon.


Rescuing a young dragon besieged by Griffin Knights of the Human Empire was no difficult feat for him.

No superflous movement was required, he simply swooped down from the sky, grabbed the tail of the Amethyst Young Dragon with his claw, and took off.

As for those Griffin Knights...

Considering that he was once human in his former life, he decided not to give them a hard time.

The strength of a mature giant dragon was formidable; a casual flick of its tail could easily kill a Griffin...

A single Evil Dragon's Roar could frighten the Griffin Knights into shivering fear.

"Evil Dragon! The Evil Dragon has captured Her Highness!"

Lucia's loyal Dark Wizard, Eva, had not expected a Black Dragon to suddenly appear in the skies above the Imperial Capital and directly snatch Princess Lucia, transformed into an Amethyst Dragon.

It happened so suddenly that by the time she realized what was happening, the Evil Dragon was already preparing to take away Princess Lucia, now in her young dragon form.

"Griffin Knights, stop that Evil Dragon!"

After a brief moment of shock, Second Princess Asina quickly issued orders to the Griffin Knights, although her cowardly little sister was a bit foolish.

But she could not just stand by and watch as the Evil Dragon took away her cowardly little sister.

More Griffin Knights took to the skies—not to surround Lucia this time, but to capture the Evil Dragon that had suddenly appeared and snatched her away.

As the number of Griffin Knights increased, Lance let out an Evil Dragon's Roar.

The roar of the giant dragon caused the well-trained Griffin to briefly lose control; some even became so frightened that they lost their sense of direction...

Second Princess Asina and Dark Wizard Eva could only watch helplessly as Lucia was carried away by the Evil Dragon.

The Evil Dragon's arrival had been far too abrupt, they were completely unprepared, and though Griffin Knights were strong, faced with a true giant dragon, the Griffin still felt fear.

...Including the knights.

"It's a true giant dragon, that Black Dragon is a true giant dragon, not a drake!"

"A true giant dragon? You mean that Black Dragon is... a Pureblood Black Dragon?"


"Then it's over, my cowardly little sister probably won't come back."



Princess Lucia was almost scared faint; she never dreamed that she would one day be captured by an Evil Dragon.

What was even more disastrous, the Evil Dragon had taken her to an island where she had no chance to escape.

Wuu wuu wuu.

Why was her life so bitter?

She had come to terms with her royal sister snatching away the throne, but why, when she had escaped the Imperial Capital, did she have to be captured by a legendary Evil Dragon...

Wuu wuu wuu... Who will come to rescue a princess like her?

Where are the brave heroes?

Where are the valiant knights?

Here lies a weak and helpless princess in need of your aid.

So frightened.

It's said that Evil Dragons eat humans.


Right now, she seems not to be human, but a dragon.

Evil Dragons shouldn't eat dragons, right?

Wait a minute...

It's also said that Evil Dragons eat dragons of impure bloodline...

Oh no, she was a human turned into a dragon, her bloodline is definitely impure, won't the Evil Dragon consider her a snack and devour her?

Please no, she is only fifteen years old this year, she hasn't experienced romance, hasn't sworn in her own knight, hasn't even seen attractive nobility yet...

She really doesn't want to be food for the Evil Dragon!!!


"Don't eat me, don't eat me, my flesh is sour, it isn't tasty at all, really, not tasty at all, wuu wuu wuu... I haven't experienced love yet... I don't want to die... and especially not to be eaten... wuu wuu wuu..."
