Chapter 3 Oh My God, This Evil Dragon Actually Farms!


Who would want to be an Evil Dragon when they could be Emperor?

No, she couldn't give up. As long as the Evil Dragon didn't harm her, she must find an opportunity to leave this place, return to the Farolan Empire, defeat that stinky older sister, and take back the throne that belonged to her.

She, Lucia, refused to be a little Evil Dragon for life.

Eva was unreliable, cursing her to become a dragon, but at least she should have turned her into an adult dragon, right? Why a Young Dragon?

It made her have to look up when speaking to the Evil Dragon in front of her.

Lance clapped his hands, his golden-red vertical pupils showing appreciation. It's always better to have dreams than none at all.

Becoming a legendary Evil Dragon was no small dream. Evil Dragons that left their mark in history, aside from their tragic endings, were impeccable in every other aspect.

"If you want to become a legendary Evil Dragon, then you have to be strong enough to defeat me," he said.


Lucia glanced at Evil Dragon Lance's Dragon Claw, which was larger than her head. A single pinch could probably squeeze her brains out.

Such a big Evil Dragon, not to say that she wasn't a real Evil Dragon, but even if she were and grew up, she probably couldn't defeat the Evil Dragon before her.

"I can't defeat you... I can't even defeat a Griffin Knight, let alone you..."

"No worries, take your time. But to become a legendary Evil Dragon, it's not enough to be powerful. You also need your own territory. To have your own territory, you need to be able to sustain yourself. And to sustain yourself, you first... have to know how to farm.

You're lucky to have met me, a Black Dragon who knows a little bit of everything. I'll try to train you to be an outstanding Evil Dragon. But before you become an outstanding Evil Dragon, I think you need to learn how to farm first."


Farm... Farm... Farming?

They wanted her, a Princess, to learn farming?

Isn't... farming a life skill that human peasants and those of other races should master?

Since when did Evil Dragons need to master this life skill?

And, are there really farming Evil Dragons in this world?

Whether in legends or in real life, Lucia had never heard of a farming Evil Dragon.

Evil Dragons, as powerful and tyrannical creatures, didn't need to farm to survive.

Because Evil Dragons eat meat.

If they ran out of food, they just needed to take a stroll in the deep forest, and they'd come back full.

There was absolutely no need for farming.

"Why would an Evil Dragon need to farm?"

Lucia carefully voiced the doubt in her mind.

"Because you have to feed a princess. If you kidnap a princess, you can't just feed her meat every day, can you? There needs to be a balanced diet with meat and vegetables, and from time to time, you also need to give her some fruit to eat. Speaking of fruits... you also have to learn grafting and transplanting fruit trees with me.

That way, once you're grown up and have your own territory, you can farm and cultivate, graft, and transplant fruit trees on your own land. The princess with you won't have to worry about eating only meat or going from feast to famine."


Lucia was stunned; she suddenly felt that the Evil Dragon in front of her knew a lot.

Also, listening to the Evil Dragon, why did she get the impression that he had taken care of princesses before?

If he hadn't raised princesses... he definitely wouldn't be able to speak such experienced words about life.

Lance, this Evil Dragon... surely had cared for princesses.

Maybe during a certain period, he was even an infamous kind of Evil Dragon.

"Lance... Have you... Have you raised princesses before?" she asked.

"A few," Lance replied with a grin, revealing his fangs. What's the fun in being reborn as a Black Dragon if you've never raised any princesses?

He had raised princesses!

And not just one but several!!!

Lucia was shocked; the obscure Evil Dragon before her had actually raised several princesses?

Impossible. If Lance the Evil Dragon really had kept several princesses, he would have been slain by some legendary hero or champion by now.

Those princesses Evil Dragon Lance raised must have been from small kingdoms.

If they were from larger countries, history would definitely have mentioned his name.



Forget it, that's not the point, the point is whether Evil Dragon Lance has turned those princesses into his wives.

"They... they all became your wives?"

"No, after taking care of them for a while, I sent them back."


What kind of move is that?

To kidnap human princesses to one's dragon's den, take care of them for a while, and then send them back, what's the purpose?

Just for fun?

Certainly, there must have been heroes who campaigned against Evil Dragon Lance, and Evil Dragon Lance couldn't defeat the heroes who challenged him, so he sent those princesses back.

Lucia felt she had guessed the truth.

She couldn't expose the evil dragon; what if he became angry from embarrassment and beat her up?

With the evil dragon's massive dragon claws, one punch, and she might have to cry for a long time.

"Lance, I want to learn from you, to only take care of princesses, not to take them as wives."


At first glance, this statement seems unproblematic, but after giving it some thought... it feels like the young dragon Lucia is implying something about him?

Lance wanted to give Lucia a punch.

He thought about it and then dismissed the idea.

They would spend a few more days together before he decided.

"Let's go, I'll show you around here."

Lucia stood up, obediently following behind Lance.

"I've named this island Black Dragon Island, the entire island is my territory. Besides me, the Black Dragon, there's also a dog and a turtle. They count as my pets."


The evil dragon not only takes care of princesses but also keeps pets…

After following Evil Dragon Lance for a short while, Lucia saw a field of corn, with the stalks growing incredibly tall – at least one meter high!!!

Mutant corn?

"This is the fruit corn I've cultivated myself, using all kinds of magic potions to grow it this big. It's reached its limit. This corn tastes good when boiled; I'll cook some for you tonight to let you have a taste."

"This here is the vegetable garden, where you'll find greens, cabbages, chili peppers, potatoes, leeks, scallions, tomatoes, and more. If you ever want something to eat, you can just come here and pick it."

Lucia, looking at the chili peppers as tall as a person, imagined a scene.

Evil Dragon Lance picked a chili pepper, taller than a person, from the ground, cut open the top, stuffed some meat inside, and tossed it into his mouth... crunch...

It was one thing for the corn to be huge, but why were all the vegetables Evil Dragon Lance had grown absurdly large as well?

"This is the orchard, where all the fruits have been carefully cultivated by me, and they are of a decent size."


Lucia glanced at the apples in the orchard, larger than watermelons, at grapes bigger than the apples, and at bananas nearly a meter long...

With fruits this large, how could Evil Dragon Lance say they are of a decent size?

Placed in the human world, these fruits could be considered the ancestors of their kind.

Divine officials from the great temples, upon seeing these fruits, would have to shout out about divine miracles and divine fruits…

Is this what it means to be a dragon who can farm?

In her lifetime, she probably won't be able to grow fruits, vegetables, and corn this large!

Raising princesses?

She's not qualified...


If raising princesses requires such life skills, then she, the Princess of the Empire, can only say...

She's not qualified to raise princesses!

Wuu wuu wuu.

As for raising princesses, you have to look up to Evil Dragon Lance.
