Chapter 23 The Evil Dragon is an [Apprentice Grim Reaper]

For real...

The Evil Dragon is serious, he's actually prepared to summon his dead friend from Hell, even putting his plan into action.

While she was hunting for field mice and rats in the vegetable and corn fields, the Evil Dragon had already tried to summon the handsome sister from the painting.

Just now, the Evil Dragon was wondering why he hadn't managed to summon the handsome sister from Hell.

Luckily he hadn't summoned her, because if he had, and the Evil Dragon happened to tell the sister that it was her, the Young Dragon, who had given him the idea...

Who knows if the sister turned into a ghost would get angry and haunt her, causing her to have nightmares every night.


Really scary.

If the Evil Dragon summoned this sister just because he wanted to see her, to chat with her and say some intimate things, that would be fine.

But if he summoned the sister from Hell... to collect a debt...

Lucia felt... that she would definitely be haunted by the sister's spirit...

"Lance... Lance, why did you think of summoning the sister from the painting? Do you miss her?"

"Miss her for what? I suddenly remembered she owes me money. I wanted to summon her from Hell so she could pay me back.

I tried using a necromancy spell to summon her several times, but no response, which is a bit unreasonable. Could she have been reincarnated? That shouldn't be the case, I've never heard of a soul from Hell being reincarnated.

If she's not reincarnated, then is there a problem with my necromancy spell? Even less likely, if my necromancy spell can't summon the dead from Hell, then the necromancers in the Human World certainly can't do it either."

He really is trying to collect a debt!!!

The Evil Dragon is quite determined to chase down debts... thinking about this sister... not out of missing her... but to make her pay back the money...

A normal Dragon upon seeing such a beautiful sister, would think... when you were alive, I couldn't protect you, couldn't make you my lover.

You're dead, I want to summon you so you can understand my love.

How come, when it comes to Evil Dragon Lance, his thoughts turn to debt collection?

Is a beautiful sister truly not as valuable as those cold Gold Coins?

"Maybe... let's not summon this sister. If she comes and can't pay you back... it might affect the friendship you once had."

"If she's that disgraceful, after I summon her, I will mock her ruthlessly. She's been dead for over two thousand years and couldn't even secure a minor official position in Hell, still a penniless ghost; if I don't mock her, who should I mock?

Step back and think, if she hadn't achieved even a minor official position after two thousand years of working in Hell, she should have at least saved up some money, right?"

In his memory, Sophia was a talented and ambitious mage who loved life; in life, she was like this, and it stood to reason that even after death and going to Hell, she would be an ambitious, life-loving ghost.

Over two thousand years, if she couldn't become a lord in Hell, could she not even achieve the rank of captain of a small squad?

Or the position of a chief mage?

After all, she was a friend of his, Lance, back in the day; if she couldn't do even this much, was she worthy of the title of [Evil Dragon's friend]?

Oh, Sophia never knew he was a Black Dragon until she died.

He even said he would tell her this secret quietly when she was old and dying...

He hadn't anticipated her early demise...

But none of this matters anymore, what he cares about now is... he summoned Sophia using necromancy, but there was no response.

It's as if Hell has no such spirit at all.

This was strange.

Knowing her name, age, and appearance, the summoning process should have been easily successful.

Yet, after four or five attempts, there was absolutely no response from Hell.

If he were a necromancer who hadn't signed the "Undead Summoning Contract" with Hell or hadn't acquired the assessment certificate, the failure to summon the undead would have been normal.

The problem was that he had passed Hell's assessment and had signed the "Undead Summoning Contract" with them; therefore, there shouldn't have been any issues summoning the undead from Hell.

There are two types of necromancers: one who has passed the Hell's examination and signed the "Undead Summoning Contract" with Hell.

The other is a wild necromancer who hasn't passed the assessment and hasn't signed any undead summoning contract.

Licensed necromancers can summon Hell's undead at any time to fight for them.

Wild necromancers can also summon Hell's undead by force, but if they are discovered, they will be wanted and there will be a bounty on their heads from Hell.

If an undead summoned by force from Hell happens to die in battle, that wild necromancer will be forcefully turned into a battle undead by Hell, to serve for 100 years.

For necromancers who have passed the Hell's examination and signed the summoning contract, if the summoned undead dies in battle, not only will Hell not hold the necromancer responsible, it will also actively try to revive the dead undead...

This point was somewhat outrageous; the undead were already those who had died once, and now, there was a possibility of reviving them after becoming undead and dying again...

It could only be said that Hell's depths were somewhat terrifying... terrifying even to dragons.

Necromancers bound by a contract with Hell also had to give something in return; each year they needed to hand over a certain amount of gold coins, or some miscellaneous materials.

Sometimes Hell would also issue some tasks to the necromancers.

Necromancers could not refuse and were obliged to assist Hell unconditionally, doing certain things for them.

The being responsible for interacting with the necromancers on behalf of Hell was called the "Grim Reaper."

There are two kinds of "Grim Reapers": one that comes from Hell.

The other is a powerful necromancer who has been appreciated by Hell and is appointed to act as a "Grim Reaper" in the Human World; this kind of Grim Reaper is called an "Apprentice Grim Reaper."

An "Apprentice Grim Reaper" is essentially a necromancer working for Hell, with a salary to earn.

Necromancers pay money to Hell, while "Apprentice Grim Reapers" work for Hell, and get paid.

Lance thought about himself; he first became a necromancer who had signed the undead summoning contract with Hell, but later felt it was a bit of a loss as he had to pay Hell every year and also perform some strange tasks for them.

To save and make some money, he applied to become an "Apprentice Grim Reaper."

With his outstanding Longge charisma and some decent strength, he easily became an "Apprentice Grim Reaper."

Only, it had been a long time since he, the "Apprentice Grim Reaper," had received any salary from Hell.

Because he had applied for a "vacation."

Another aspect was... Hell had noticed... that his stint as an "Apprentice Grim Reaper" seemed a bit too long…

Other "Apprentice Grim Reapers" would live for two or three hundred years at most, but he had lived for more than a thousand years... and still wasn't dead...

Hell was a bit hesitant to contact him, afraid that if they did, they would have to give him a salary.

Twenty gold coins a month.

The salary wasn't high, but he had lived for such a long time.

This time, the attempt to summon Sophia using undead magic might have drawn attention to him, the "Apprentice Grim Reaper" who had been skiving off for hundreds of years.

"Lance, could it be that this sister... isn't in Hell?"