Chapter 67 Cunning and Childish Evil Dragon

Good people are wonderful, and Black Dragon Lance loves good people the most.

When he walked in the Human World, he occasionally did good deeds, believing that accumulating kindness would bring luck.

It really did bring luck.

In his ancestral memory, there was a fragment about a black dragon who liked to dig graves and then this dragon, who constantly lost at gambling, ended up in considerable debt.

Just like that black dragon in the ancestral memory, it was clear that too much mischief had been done.

Which led to his bad luck.

He liked the kind like Brandon, who was willing to dedicate his own salary to good deeds.

Not to mention the steward spent it all on those orphaned human children.

The steward's kind act would change the children's fate, ensuring at the very least, that once they grew up, they wouldn't turn to stealing or robbing; those who felt kindness might even pass Brandon's benevolence on.