Chapter 96 Holy Knight: I feel like I've seen you somewhere before


I originally thought that the heretic was the lunatic who stole the Valkyrie statue, but who would have expected that the "heretic" was none other than Archbishop Franco himself, who even declared he didn't want the lost Valkyrie statue back—it was hard for me, as a Holy Knight, not to brand this archbishop as a "heretic."

"Archbishop Franco, to utter such words in front of the Valkyrie painting... you are already suspect of blasphemy against the deity," I said.

The fat Bishop Franco gave Holy Knight Steven a look that screamed 'what do you know.'

Was it he who blasphemed?

No, it was the Valkyrie herself who despised the lost statue.

As the archbishop of the Valkyrie Temple, what could he do? He could only try by all means to fulfill the Valkyrie's wishes, scheming to keep the painting of the Valkyrie and prevent that mad... cough... that sincerely devout follower of the Valkyrie, from taking the painting away.