Chapter 261: Big-Headed Young Dragon, No Worries in the Rain, We Have Umbrellas, You Have a Big Head

An Amethyst Young Dragon appeared at the Demon Academy, equipped with many defensive magic tools. The Amethyst Young Dragon was not particularly strong, but the defensive magic tools she carried were terrifyingly powerful. The Thunder Hammer, for instance, when smashed down, even Thunder Demons who inherently wield Thunder Demon Power could not withstand it.

Beyond the Thunder Hammer, the Amethyst Young Dragon also had a set of magical Cards. Once activated, the Cards unleashed Sword Qi that crisscrossed ferociously... even the Stone Demon, with its strongest defensive power, could be sliced into several pieces. It was l only because of the Stone Demon's abnormally strong regenerative ability that it could survive.

The fact that the Stone Demon could survive didn't mean that the Cards used by the Amethyst Young Dragon could not kill the Stone Demon.