"What the hell kind of Holy Giant Dragon is terrifying like this, you Black Dragon are the one that's bloody terrifying, you have completely taken advantage of the Sacred Golden Giant Dragon Constandy."
"And you, Black Dragon, are just severely depleted of breath and blood, not a single drop of the Dragon Blood flowing from your body or spewed out is wasted—all of it reclaimed by yourself."
Golden Giant Dragon Austin was infuriated by the first words uttered by the awoken Black Dragon. His father-in-law, being a Holy Golden Giant Dragon, was beaten from the sky to the ground twice by the Black Dragon. If Constandy is said to be terrifying like this, shouldn't Holy Giant Dragons be terrifying like this too?
To him, the truly terrifying one was the Black Dragon.
Thinking about his two battles with the Black Dragon, where neither he nor Erinna could force the Black Dragon to use the Sky Flipping Seal, he was incensed.