10 find Japanese

Zhu Wencong summoned the core team he had previously formed to his rented house.

With money in hand and increasing numbers working for him, Zhu Wencong was not the cutthroat boss who only exploited his own people.

"Today you have another task, help me find a new arrival from the Japanese Islands, someone with good looks.

The most important thing is, he must listen to us, if he's disobedient, you help 'educate' him," Zhu Wencong delegated the task.

The group exchanged looks; San Francisco was a gathering place for most of the people from Asia, with the majority naturally from the East.

The more civilized places were the Peninsula and the Japanese Islands, while the uncivilized were from Southeast Asia, but they all shared the same status, slaves.

Currently, the East was being passively transported to America, as the Imperial Court did not allow its people to flee, for they were considered the private property of the Emperor.

What did that mean? In ancient times, the common people were subjected to corvée labor, working several months for the court without pay each year.

Japan had already started the active transportation to America, learning from Western countries before Manchu Qing did.

The first stop was America; the first group of students allowed Japan to step from an agrarian to an industrial civilization.

"Boss! I have a channel to find the Japanese person you need, but the price for a single purchase is a bit steep," Gu Xuan Yun stepped forward and said.

Zhu Wencong's gaze measured Gu Xuan Yun, who was not a mint worker but specialized in the black market.

To swiftly promote the previously issued bonds, they had to utilize the channels of the black market for sales.

Gu Xuan Yun was responsible for the slave trade in the black market, because he had a Slave Owner father, a snakehead from the East.

Zhu Wencong and the others were trafficked here by Gu Xuan Yun's father, considered rebels and unregistered inhabitants unwanted by the Imperial Court.

"I'll go there with you later, but now it's time for us to share the wealth 'password'.

Tomorrow is the week's agreement, and our stocks will cease to be sold to the public, while also undergoing the first wave of profit distribution.

You need to inform those clients of yours, set the time for noon, and hand out the cash to them directly.

After the event, be sure to do good publicity work, make sure everyone knows our activities are real and effective," Zhu Wencong emphasized.

Luo Chu was puzzled, "If we stop selling stocks, what are we publicizing?

They can't buy them anyway, could it be that someone will sell their own shares?"

Zhu Wencong grinned mysteriously and smoothly pushed Gu Xuan Yun, who was beside him, forward.

"That's why we switch to selling in the black market, the price definitely has to double, and we also need to hype up the stock price.

He has the connections in the black market to successfully establish our sales channels.

Gu Xuan Yun, you can enjoy the same commission as them—how much you want to earn depends on how many shares you sell.

In the future, we're family; living overseas we must stick together and help each other, not engage in gutter activities," Zhu Wencong knocked on Gu Xuan Yun.

Those who mix in the black market are not simple; Zhu Wencong was compelled to cooperate with Gu Xuan Yun.

Good or bad, anyone who serves one's own purposes is good, there's no doubt about that.

Gu Xuan Yun watched Zhu Wencong seriously, not expecting to work for him and sensing his trust.

Thinking to just play the middleman, he found himself recruited and prepared to see how high the stock profits would be.

"No problem! Then can we start looking for someone?" Gu Xuan Yun looked around.

Zhu Wencong nodded, immediately following Gu Xuan Yun toward the docks to have a look at the fresh batch of people from the Japanese Islands.

The Civil War had not yet ended, and the slave system in America was legal and justified, backed by the Southern Faction.

Many slaves were openly priced and sold, with an annual slave auction that attracted a large number of rich merchants.


Why is it so heated? Mainly because England had banned the slave trade, so the center of the slave trade moved to America.

"Do you want to buy some slaves? You're not keen on them? There are also female slaves in the room, their figures are absolutely top-notch!" Gu Xuan Yun introduced his own business.

Zhu Wencong looked at the Kunlun slaves, shackled at their feet and hands and with price tags hanging from their necks, recognizing the true evil of the Black Triangle.

The yellow race was scarce, mostly coming from the Southeast Asia region, barely able to speak clearly.

"Normal people are quite rare, we deceive them into coming here with the promise of jobs or study opportunities.

Just a few days ago, a Japanese student came over. He seemed a bit dull and not very sharp.

The Americans gave him a vivid social lesson. He lost all his money and even took on loans.

Since he really couldn't produce any money and had no strength, those guys sold him off cheaply to me," Gu Xuan Yun gave a signal to his subordinate.

Zhu Wencong saw Gu Xuan Yun's henchman bring over someone short and fragile-looking, feeble and with a wilted spirit.

He had no shackles on him, as it seemed even a single shackle would be enough to break his spine.

Gu Xuan Yun poured tea for Zhu Wencong, "He can speak and write Chinese, so I've made him my clerk.

Otherwise... sold to me, I wouldn't want him, such a person has no value, the money for his studies was paid by the state."

"Don't feed me to the sharks! Don't feed me to the sharks!" Nakata Kouichi cried out on his knees.

"Yo! You speak Chinese quite fluently!" Zhu Wencong was a little surprised.

"Ah... I was born and educated in the Great Qing, aspired to reform Japan, answered the call to study in America, intending to return after completing my studies and transform Japan!" Nakata Kouichi recited pompously.

"People who've turned stupid from reading too much!" Gu Xuan Yun chimed in.

Nakata Kouichi stood up, staring straight at Gu Xuan Yun, "I thought this was a land of freedom, openness, and civilization where everyone strives to improve.

But! Everywhere is the same; it's all lies, betrayal, barbarism, discrimination here!"

Zhu Wencong quietly sipped his tea, knowing that only through being deceived does one learn about the wickedness of the world.

Being bullied in a foreign place couldn't be more normal; people always grow from their falls.

"Finance itself is a scam, without deception there would be no finance. You should find this lesson extremely beneficial.

Would you like a change of work environment? I can offer you an opportunity for revenge, to use their methods against them.

We in the East may not have the concept of finance, but when it comes to the art of business, they are hardly our match.

I'll tell you what to do; I don't need your brains, you simply need to follow orders," Zhu Wencong spoke directly.

Nakata Kouichi looked dumbfounded, not understanding the young man before him, probably considering himself even less capable.

Zhu Wencong took out two cheques, also sharing the story about the silver mine from last night.

A silver mine from the Japanese Islands, it couldn't possibly be without Japanese involvement; therefore, the fool before him was the perfect candidate.

Nakata Kouichi's face showed disbelief, wondering how Zhu Wencong could have possibly deceived a middle-ranking federal official and the president of the State Bank.

"Then I'll play the friend you talked about. I am the eldest son of a distinguished family from Japan, backed by an army.

But... but my acting is quite poor and I'm afraid of being found out, what if that happens?" Nakata Kouichi lacked confidence.

"What are you afraid of! You're the silly son of a landlord, playing the fool comes naturally to you, right?

The more foolish you are, the more greedy they become; who wouldn't want to keep this silver mine with its vast reserves of silver to themselves?

Moreover, their navy is stationed right at your doorstep, fully capable of forcibly taking it without considering your opinion," Zhu Wencong gave Nakata Kouichi a look.
