24 investment bank

"I can do it! I absolutely can do it!" James exclaimed excitedly.

Zhu Wencong knew that the fish had taken the bait; greedy people often can't control their inner restlessness.

After James became a millionaire, he suddenly felt that tens of thousands of British Pounds were no longer the ultimate goal in his life.

If he could earn tens of thousands of British Pounds, why couldn't he aim for hundreds of thousands, even millions of British Pounds, to become the richest man in America?

"What's the matter? I guarantee it! We'll split all the profits seventy-thirty," James offered, slapping his chest.

"Let's make it sixty-forty. We have to cultivate good relations with the local Government Office, so we need to leave a cut for them.

Since you have this idea, I'm not willing to give up this market either. Let's work together with utmost sincerity!

You can bring up any issues, but once you get to Los Angeles, it's your show alone, with no one helping you.