Brand 22

Zhu Wencong took the initiative to visit Lawrent with Su Yanqiao. At this moment, amidst the storm, it was still necessary to lay low.

Following the butler's steps, they walked straight into a garden, where a women's orchestra was playing music.

Lawrent's later years were very joyful, as he spent all his money on personal enjoyment.

"Sir, I bring a modest gift for today's visit," Zhu Wencong presented a gentleman's cane made of gold.

The butler caught Lawrent's eye and immediately took care of the gift before leaving.

"It seems you've made quite a bit of money!" Lawrent said with a hearty laugh.

"Nothing escapes your wise eyes!" Zhu Wencong gestured for Su Yanqiao to take a seat first.

The movements in the black market could hardly be hidden from Lawrent; he just didn't know how much Zhu Wencong had actually made.

Now that Zhu Wencong had taken all the white people's money, his appearance here was quite clearly with an ulterior motive.

Without pointing it out, Lawrent liked friends who were capable and resourceful—the so-called survival of the fittest.

What did it matter to him if those white people suffered losses? They were just poor-quality chives ready to be harvested!

"You've made quite a stir, what with dividends and publicity, making you the talk of San Francisco.

The authorities will have to intervene, but I've heard you're on good terms with the mayor, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Greedy people will ultimately pay for their greed; no one will take responsibility on their own.

You didn't play a very nice game, but I like it very much. It reminds me of myself in the past," critiqued Lawrent.

Zhu Wencong pondered. It seemed necessary to invest some money in municipal bonds, to give the authorities a way out.

In American society, the officialdom and the populace were at odds, hardly interacting unless necessary.

Should a problem arise, either among the populace or the officials, it's every man for himself, with bystanders quietly observing.

Or to say that the whole of Western society operates this way: in times of national crisis, fleece the population, and when people suffer, they simply lie down and take it.

"I can trust you with the matter of the Japanese Islands' silver mine. Make sure to properly guide that little fellow.

There are things they shouldn't pry into and rules they must follow.

They've just arrived on this land without a clue; they need someone to show them the ropes.

Those who are competent can join us, and those who aren't can be sent on their way!" Lawrent declared with dominance.

Zhu Wencong silently nodded, thinking that the dirty and tiring work still fell to them, the outsiders, while they only enjoyed the fruits.

Such overwhelming dominance was backed by a solid foundation, an existence not to be challenged by Zhu Wencong.

"I'm most familiar with their information; they only submit to the strong and bully the weak!" Zhu Wencong described.

"We must control the situation with a strong position, allowing them no opportunity to speak.

Or to say, they have no right to speak or choose; everything must be led by us, or else they meet their maker.

You needn't worry about the silver mine; we can always support another group of people willing to be dogs—there are plenty of those.

As long as the Navy remains there, we won't lack slaves to serve us," Zhu Wencong added.


Lawrent was impressed that Zhu Wencong had them completely under control, truly befitting the heritage of the Eastern royalty.

Compared to the butchers around him, Lawrent believed what he needed most was a strategist like Zhu Wencong.

In the first half of his life, Lawrent, being of Mexican and Spanish descent, had carved out his own territory with his fists.

Latterly, when California joined America, Lawrent had to comply with mundane laws and became more cautious.

"Are you interested in being my child?" Lawrent knew that Zhu Wencong had no strings attached, having previously been a slave.

Zhu Wencong paused for a few seconds. Was adopting children a trend here? It seemed a fondness they indeed possessed.

As there is no traditional concept of providing for the elderly, Americans do not need to have children for the sake of care in old age; whether children are biological or not is unimportant.

Su Yanqiao stole a glance at Zhu Wencong, who indeed had no foothold in the East and even in her home, he had the status of a live-in son-in-law.

Given Zhu Wencong's lofty ambitions, it was absolutely impossible for him to be a live-in son-in-law; he was a man of absolute freedom.

"Sorry! My royal status does not allow me to do so!

If you have any troubles, just tell me directly, and I will definitely help solve them if I can," Zhu Wencong did not refuse.

He still needed Lawrent's support; with the guidance of a tycoon during the novice phase, difficulties are reduced by nine-tenths.

Lawrent had not expected Zhu Wencong to refuse him, especially since he could offer him a much bigger stage.

"There really is one thing, the successful persona of James that you have crafted recently—your methods are rather miraculous.

Anyone who has read the newspaper admires James; his amazing tactics in the stock market attract countless people.

James went all-in with everything he owned, plus leverage, to gather ten thousand British Pounds for speculation in the stock market and ultimately reaped thirty thousand pounds!

"Did… did he truly earn thirty thousand pounds? Does that stock even have this market value?" Lawrent was utterly puzzled.

Earning tens of thousands of pounds in a month was something Lawrent could not even imagine unless it involved robbing a bank with his brothers.

Lawrent initially looked down on the meager profits from the stock market, but now he had to take it seriously—the money came too fast!

Suddenly, he felt that risking his life for money in the past was somewhat foolish; the brothers who had died in vain, it truly wasn't worth risking life and limb.Zhu Wencong smiled as he watched Lawrent's anxious demeanor—he was clearly in a hurry!

"As long as enough people participate, the market value exists. James could earn so much not only because of his ability but also because of insider information.

He could have made even more money, but unfortunately, he hesitated and exited a day too late.

This time, he took everyone's money, but since he is white, I have to carry this black pot.

Even with a thousand mouths, I couldn't explain it clearly, hence I would like to ask to stay for a few days," Zhu Wencong stated his purpose for the visit.

"You didn't make money?" Lawrent was very skeptical.

"I made a small profit! As you know, my initial capital was not as much as his, so I couldn't earn a lot of money.

Our Chinese community did not lose money, barely managing to secure a livelihood, unlike the wealthy white people.

Not only did James make a handsome profit, but others also made several times their investment," Zhu Wencong explained.

The beauty of the capital game is that no single party can dominate; there is always some soup to go with the water.

The unchanging rule is that a minority divides up the wealth of everyone, a feast of harvesting leeks.

Lawrent drank his coffee, somewhat regretting not having been involved and failing to make a quick buck.

Having seen the massive profits that the financial market can bring, Lawrent felt like he had wasted half his life.

"The silver mine in the Japanese Islands, how much profit can you bring me?

I am willing to hand over all my savings to you, I don't care about the process, just the results.

If you dare to take this investment, from then on, no one in California would dare lay a hand on you.

I can provide whatever help you need, including sending them to meet God!" Lawrent could not suppress his excitement.

Life after going legitimate was getting worse by the day, and Lawrent had been considering developing in Mexico.

America and Mexico are polar opposites; one is proactive and upward-moving, while the other is lax and degenerating.

Mexico seems to have contracted Spain's disease but lacks England's fortune; once, Spain was the empire where the sun never set, with even the toilets made of pure gold.

Being too wealthy led to a nation-wide state of revelry until England stepped in, and they realized their era had come to an end.

"I've been having this thought lately! If I don't find another industry, I'll go back to Mexico.

After all, that is my homeland, and many friends are in Mexico; they hope I will return," Lawrent said slowly.