33 is just a small test

Zhu Wencong observed the stocks of this era seriously; they seemed pretty straightforward, just time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Howard provided him with continuously rising stocks on the market, picking any for a short-term investment was certain to make a small profit.

"Is this all?" Zhu Wencong asked Howard.

"What else do you want to see? The ones that are falling?" Howard took out the stock charts again.

Zhu Wencong nodded in satisfaction and gestured for everyone to come over, pointing at the factories with his finger.

The crowd looked confused, not understanding what Zhu Wencong intended to do.

"Buy up all these stocks that are glowing green!" Zhu Wencong said assertively.

In the American stock market, green represented a rise, and red indicated a fall, perhaps because red is a taboo color in the West.

"Sir, are you sure? These stocks are the garbage of garbage; are you sure you want to buy them all?" Howard felt like cursing.