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Zhu Wencong followed Lawrent to the estate of the local richest man to enjoy the grand gala of reaping leeks.

There was both surveillance and control, after all, in such a big market, whoever jumped the gun could bite off the biggest piece of meat.

The staff from each faction were all at the stock exchange, each wielding their stocks and carrying out the smashing.

"They really love parties!" Su Yanqiao complained, going to other people's estates for food and drink every day.

"This is high society! Resource sharing, wealth everlasting, the strong grow ever stronger," Zhu Wencong was well aware of this.

The real wealth is the circle of connections; humans are social animals, after all, and ultimately prefer to band together.

If you want to get by in America, you can't do without these circles, you must make many friends and play monopoly together.

The unchanging rule of the world is also survival of the fittest, wealthy people banding together to harvest the wealth of the poor.