46 make money

"The stock market has seen consecutive shocks lately, with the retail investors getting sheared again and again.

Fishing for more money from the stock market is somewhat impossible now, unless new retail investors join in.

The retail investors from Japan are still being cultivated, so we need to look elsewhere for wealth.

I announce the initiation of Plan Two, collecting all savings from the local citizens to amass our initial capital."

"The 404 Plan?" Luo Chu and Sun Ji asked in unison, having long been eager to launch this plan.

Zhu Wencong nodded, originally planning to keep under wraps and continue reaping money from the stock market.

But recent moves were a bit too big, shearing the retail investors so harshly that it would take three to five years to recover.

Zhu Wencong took a sip of tea, "Next, you must put all your effort into learning English, without constantly relying on translators.