51 Journey

"Your relationship with Lawrent seems too intimate! Don't you guard against him at all?" Su Yanqiao asked Zhu Wencong inside the carriage.

"The more dangerous a person is, the safer it is to be by his side. He is the first White person I don't need to guard against.

Don't understand? The logic is simple. He is old, and his child is a waste, so he needs me to help in the future.

It is the same with the mentorship relationships in the East. Why do aristocratic families promote those from humble families? Isn't it because they hope those from humble backgrounds can lend a hand?

Having no roots in America makes me a very good person to win over for him, since he is a Mexican in America and also an underworld boss," Zhu Wencong explained in detail.

Su Yanqiao nodded, realizing after Zhu Wencong's explanation that Lawrent and Zhu Wencong were really cut from the same cloth.

Su Yanqiao glanced out the window at the scenery; it was her first time traveling to another city in America.