58 Mutual Love

Insiders often bully their own, but once they go out, they're like paper tigers.

Zhu Wencong did not take the formidable enemies mentioned by Liu Baofeng seriously, as their abilities were limited to exploiting their own people.

As long as a cannon was rolled out in front of them, he could imagine them immediately kneeling to beg for mercy.

Their innate belief was that foreigners were to be avoided at all costs, as they were too formidable to provoke.

"The women here were introduced with the help of the Chinese Business Association, also relying on the support of that man.

The Chinese Business Association has long wanted to get involved in the business of pleasure quarters, but those people would not allow the Association to share in their profits.

So they supported me in opposing those from San Francisco, but I know my own limitations—I'm not worth mentioning!