Released on the 70th

"Before I promote these books, I must first share an incredible story.

There's a country established for less than a century, which was founded on the condition of defeating the world's number one superpower.

Doesn't that feel incredibly unbelievable, both unfamiliar and yet familiar?

Americans aren't familiar with history because their history is too short, yet some things can be remembered for a lifetime," Zhu Wencong castigated England.

The white people present immediately grasped the event Zhu Wencong referred to—the very establishment of America following the defeat of England.

As they thought of this glorious achievement, every white person couldn't help but stand tall and proud with a smile on their face.

"Without dreams, there can be no success. If they had feared England's might, there would be no America today.

Therefore, after the establishment of America, everyone who came here held dreams in their hearts and became dream chasers!