73 Stabs

Two days later, Zhu Wencong led a group of people to Liu Baofeng's Yichunyuan, which had recruited a batch of new employees by then.

The previous girls had all been arranged at the Chinese Business Association, where, although they didn't have specific positions, they could receive extensive training.

Liu Baofeng had always been engaged in the business of pleasure, yet she had never dealt with white female workers; hence, Zhu Wencong needed to oversee the situation personally.

When it came to businesses that could make money, Zhu Wencong took charge personally; he definitely wouldn't disdain small profit margins or arduous labor.

The immense debts had already left Zhu Wencong struggling to breathe, without ample capital, he could not take over the cotton market in California.

Even with bank leverage, Zhu Wencong, who lacked sufficient capital, needed to accumulate initial funds from more places.