81 Glorious

"Actually, your institution invited me here to talk about the study of success, but in reality, I don't like discussing these things—they're meaningless!"

"What do I like to talk about? History!" Zhu Wencong paused, only to find everyone staring blankly.

The students were expecting Zhu Wencong to explain the study of success, and perhaps even answer their questions on the spot.

But Zhu Wencong didn't choose to talk about success studies, instead, he spoke about history, the subject most unfamiliar to everyone.

"America has no need for history, nor do its citizens need to study it, because America's history is that of the future, not of the past."

Zhu Wencong confidently stood at the podium, knowing that talking too much about success studies could lead to boredom; one must maintain a certain mystique.

"In America today, one can find expertise in most areas, except for a glaring void in historical knowledge.