90 arrangement

"There must be a lot of people like you, right? The Slave Market in San Francisco must be exceptionally bustling," Zhu Wencong couldn't help but ask.

"Yes! If it weren't for the extremely high profits in arms trading, I would personally partake in the slave trade.

God, you don't know what San Francisco has become; how should I put it?

In a nutshell, the wealth of the Southern Faction is beckoning to us; the greater your capacity, the more of their wealth you can reap.

So, it's not just me—countless others are also longing for a shake-up in the state government, California beckoning us with its vast wealth!" Malik sighed deeply.

At that moment, Malik very much wished he possessed the art of body duplication so that he could handle business in multiple markets.

Zhu Wencong realized that the situation had exceeded his estimation and underestimated the depths of human nature; they had gone completely mad.