102 industry

Zhu Wencong took big gulps of tea and watched as the crowd, energized as if injected with chicken blood, knew he had succeeded.

He had completely taken control of public opinion and had the Government Office at his mercy; he was speeding along the road toward industrial development.

Zhu Wencong also knew that at this moment, he couldn't be too careless; the leaders of the Southern Faction had not stepped down yet, and they still wielded considerable influence.

What would follow was a clash of titans, as the Southern Faction and the Industrial Faction in California were about to officially come to blows, both set up by Zhu Wencong.

After all, public opinion was too strong to ignore at this point, and given the situation with Xu Ni, the government had to provide an explanation.

Millions of freed slaves were pouring into society, a tremendous test for the government; mishandling it would be a disaster.