164 catching up on old times

Nakata Kouichi had a look of envy on his face, an Easterner owning his own land in a foreign country.

America's government was overly generous, giving away vast tracts of wasteland to the public for free, and allowing them to own as much land as they could cultivate.

Nakata Kouichi really wanted to bring all his kinsmen over, as there is strength in numbers, and they could certainly create a new world.

Americans are lazy and gluttonous, which is great news for hardworking peoples; surpassing them would be all too easy.

"Zhu Jun, I've found that we hardworking peoples have much more room to grow here.

Without the constraints of royalty, every person has infinite potential, and no one can look down on anyone.

For example, you, Zhu Jun, completed the 'Three-Level Jump' in just one year's time, something unthinkable in the East.

But this is the greatest characteristic of America, something no other country possesses," Nakata Kouichi kept saying.