211 military industry

Zhu Wencong received an invitation from arms dealers to attend their banquet, which was an arms sales exhibition.

Last year, the abolition movement in California had opened up the firearm market, as a great number of slaves needed a gun to defend their freedom.

Malik, having heard the news in advance, approached a local arms dealer's salesperson, hoping he could supply him with ample firearms.

Thus, a wonderful cooperation began, and throughout the year, both parties profited handsomely.

Other arms dealers started to enter California and San Francisco, determined not to let him monopolize the market this year; the market had to be opened up.

Especially since California had declared war on two other states this year, the amount of munitions needed was a very large number.

Arms dealers, smelling blood, were not willing to give up this golden opportunity and each wanted to establish a new market in California.