260 Hidden Guard

Zhu Wencong always put his own life first, so he had a triple-layered security system comprising the public guard, the Imperial Guard, and the Hidden Guard.

The public guard were the visible security personnel, originally even including cops; they were only required to block miscellaneous people and such.

The Imperial Guard were the personal bodyguards, led by Zhao Da, who, as a Centurion from the East, had real combat experience.

The Hidden Guard were more like a spy agency, not responsible for actual protection, but instead for identifying potential dangers and neutralizing them in advance.

Zhu Wencong would not allow himself to be in a dangerous situation; safety checkpoints were in place both inside and out.

"How's the recent progress with the talent plan?" Zhu Wencong asked Zheng Shisheng.

"Since we became the leading force, no other powers have dared to provoke us.

However, more and more are imitating our business and starting to look for new slaves in the East.