530 attitude

The current world financial center is not America's Wall Street, but England's The City of London, with western capital led by London capital, followed by Parisian capital.

London capital prefers direct stockholding, while Parisian capital likes to lend money, their methods of operation are different, but the means aren't much different.

Abert Kad introduced Zhu Wencong to Matthias, representative of the English capitalists, and Patton, representative of the French capitalists, as they prepared to reinvest in the South.

Abert Kad didn't like them, before the war they were vampires, after the war they were their creditors.

Western capital was surprised as to why the South had to surrender, why the war couldn't continue, insisting that there must be a clear winner!

Given that they were creditors, Abert Kad had to heed their words and asked Zhu Wencong to meet with them.