632 Beverage

Zhu Wencong knew that franchising was just a money trap, yet there were still countless fools jumping into it.

A very simple truth, would you tell others your secret to getting rich? The more competitors there are, the less profit to be made!

There is a saying: one monk will carry water to drink, two monks will carry water together, but with three monks, there will be no water to drink—the more people there are, the less profit there is to be had.

This isn't to say that franchising doesn't make money, but mainly that the leading players make money while non-leading players lose money.

One person's success equals the success of an entire industry, and people tend to only see the victors, actively ignoring the losers.

Zhu Wencong wanted to present impressive results, which required the creation of a false sense of prosperity to give investors confidence.