"Don't look so surprised, the logic is actually very simple. Let me explain in detail."
"It seems like Jiuding Bank is making a huge loss by giving out money, but in reality, we're using the future income of the populace to fill the current shortage of funds."
"Capital is about using future money in the present, just as it can harvest the current and future savings of the people."
"In the end, the sword of capital depends on how the wielder uses it, whether for the benefit of society or personal gain." Zhu Wencong patiently explained.
"Take a simple example, giving money to the people is like raising funds to build a railway. The profits brought by the completion of the railway are enormous."
"It's only when the people are freed from their current predicament that they can create more value; otherwise, the cost of living will suffocate them, leading them to proclaim that robberies are better than working."