656 Welfare

Everyone found that Zhu Wencong was indeed very capable of spending money, he had spent all of the excess funds and even accrued debt.

They had just set up an education system, and now they were establishing a social welfare system; many wanted to say this was a federal matter and had nothing to do with the state level.

However, Zhu Wencong had made it very clear just a moment ago, not only to retain the talent from the South but also to encourage talents from the North to settle here.

"Jiuding has a wealth of experience, and I believe you all are familiar with Jiuding Insurance; in fact, we have already taken the first step.

The trial scope is Jiuding Group as well as the Eastern community, and I will have my secretary distribute the specific data to you later."

According to the tax situation of each state, establish relevant safety net policies to ensure we don't lose our talent and make the Northern talent fall in love with the South.