Maxim looked at Sergei, now neatly dressed in a suit and tie, and Little Fatty; they finally looked presentable and had regained their vitality.
Sergei was somewhat uncomfortable in the suit, feeling the extra chill outside, and needed to don thick furs to keep warm.
However, as they confirmed that their clientele weren't the poor, they needed these garments to win over the middle class customers.
"Big Beard! How much ruble do you have on hand?" Maxim asked bluntly.
Big Beard gazed at Sergei and Little Fatty, surprised to see them return, this time for the purpose of currency.
Little Fatty dodged Big Beard's stare, remembering his fearsome reputation and how he had beaten Sergei up last time.
Yet, Sergei stood by Maxim's side as if nothing had happened, waiting for Big Beard's response.
Maxim glanced at the two beside him, sensing there might have been a conflict with Big Beard, but deemed it unimportant.