728 News Agency

"Won't you stay in London a bit longer?" Louis hadn't expected to go to Tsarist Russia so soon.

"Didn't you say you hate London, hate England?" Zhu Wencong retorted.

"Hehe!" Louis actually enjoyed the time spent with Zhu Wencong, anywhere was heaven with him around.

Zhu Wencong looked at the busy staff members ahead, knowing that before leaving, he needed to meet with London's nobility and have a chat.

No matter where he went, publicity was always the priority; one must let the public know who you are and what you are doing.

People of this era still didn't understand what 'traffic' meant, nor knew how to convert it into money.

However, as Zhu Wencong continued to succeed, many imitators began to appear, packaging themselves too.

"Boss, they are from The Times newspaper, this is Mr. Walter, the president!" Yisping introduced them.

Zhu Wencong shook hands with them one by one, Jiuding News Agency couldn't develop due to the success and strength of Western newspapers.