Chapter 28: This Man Comes from High Tower_2


"So young," Durin said with a smile, his affection apparent. Looking at her was like seeing those classmates from the Deer Clan he had first met in the High Tower when he was a child.

"I am an adult now," Alice started in surprise, but still argued with a flushed face.

"Being an adult is not just about talking the talk," Durin smiled, reaching out to take the hat offered by the elderly doe who had previously been discussing matters with the young deer.

"Thank you, sir. My grandchild seldom chats as much as she has today," the elderly doe said with joy in her eyes but also a greater sense of caution.

Durin glanced at the flat cap in his hand, happily put it on, and then selected several pairs of trousers, a waistcoat, a shirt, and an overcoat.

"Add a piece; how much altogether?" he asked.

After paying, the surprise replaced the caution in the old doe's eyes when she saw Durin's hidden blade bracer.