Chapter 46: Look Up to the High Mountains

Duke Robbie Algin, the eldest member of the Algin family and the head of this not-so-prolific clan.

He must have been familiar with Lord Alex, for the typically stern-faced old man's near-frozen expression thawed a bit upon seeing Alex.

He laughed heartily as he embraced Alex, "My old friend, you must have smelled something nice, right? I have a dinner party tonight. Stay and I'll have the kitchen prepare you the tastiest steak."

"That would be wonderful, but this time you've guessed wrong. I'm here with my descendant. He mentioned you invited him to dinner, so I came along to see you," Lord Alex said, gesturing towards Durin.

"Oh, Durin Aiersh, the young son of the Aiersh family, welcome to Algin Mansion. Your grandfather is a very busy man. I heard he has received the Thorn Ring, which probably means even less time to meet with me, such a pity," Duke Robbie said while leading Durin and Alex into the mansion.
