Chapter 59: Fifth Ring, why do you have one more ring than the Fourth Ring?

Meanwhile, having returned home, Durin looked at his reflection in the mirror as his attributes, pertaining to him, were being listed one by one.

Durin Lili Elsh

Old Profession System: Candle Dragon Bloodline Sorcerer.

Level: Magician of the Fourth Ring (Level Seven) / Candle Dragon Bloodline Sorcerer (Second Level)

Common Experience Pool: 56716

Magician Experience Pool: 8272/48000


Strength: 11

Agility: 18

Constitution: 16

Intelligence: 13

Perception: 23

Charisma: 30

Candle Dragon Bloodline Sorcerer Supernatural Talent

Fire Control (First Level): Fire is an innate Talent of the Candle Dragon, and the flames of the Candle Dragon sorcerer can melt any metal.

Casting (Second Level): Candle Dragons are naturally skilled at casting, and the quality of weapons they craft is always enhanced.

"Big Orange, do you see that? So much common experience, do you know what I'm getting at?" Durin asked Big Orange, who was tumbling through the air.