Chapter 71: Life Has Its Own Journey

Durin turned nonchalantly and walked over to Lady Salin. Standing in front of her, he spoke, "Madam, I'd like to go home first."

Lady Salin, still in the throes of grief, nodded her head in agreement.

So Durin walked through the streets, strolled down the alleys, and eventually waited at the stop at the exit before finally hopping on the tram heading to the West District.

"Tony, why on earth would your older brother's shotgun firing pins marks be on those cartridge cases?"

This was a question Durin had to have answered.

Moreover, what Durin wanted to do was to ensure that his dwarf brother didn't just die a fool's death.

"If you truly wish to embrace the Northern Doctrine and revenge your older brother by killing every last member of the Northern nobility, then at least live until the day of reckoning comes."
